
A positive outlook for 2021

Over the last few years, we have been asked by EFG Asset Management to design a brochure and website for Outlook – their annual predictions for the coming year’s global financial trends.

In 2019, their predictions were pretty on the money with a score of 9/10, however, with 2020 being one of the most unpredictable and unprecedented years in modern history owing to the Covid-19 pandemic, EFG were understandably not quite as prophetic but still pretty good.

This year, we were tasked with coming up with a new concept and look for the cover of the brochure that could be adapted for digital use. Like previous years, we also needed to design a suite of bespoke icons to represent each of the 10 key predictions.

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The front covers usually centre around a theme of knowledge and prescience, e.g. binoculars to predict the future and a lightbulb to illuminate the future, but the brief for this year’s cover took a different steer. Given the disruptive nature of the pandemic, EFG wanted to move away from the focal image and hexagons, and instead depict how certain scenarios in 2021 will look through illustrative scenes.

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Senior designer Joe Cook created several iterations of the potential mixed scenarios until we had one that the team at EFG felt conveyed the key themes of their predictions.

For many, 2020 and the start of 2021 have been fraught with challenges and struggles but we still remain optimistic for this year. And we certainly take some comfort from reading EFG’s predictions – here’s hoping most of them are accurate!

EFG Outlook 2021 Cover

You can visit the Outlook 2021 page and read their predictions here.